its possible

a woman with her arms and hands wide open… giving and receiving without fear…without doubting…fully alive and aware with a pure heart…releasing the song of the Lord…walking as a daughter with full knowledge of His love… its possible

Blessed Assurance

Great News!!! I am moving to Kansas City!!  To join staff at the International House of Prayer!! This is exciting, keep reading for more info!!


My story, hmmm, you really don’t have time for the whole version right now, I am a story teller so if you have time please give me a call! The short version is God is faithful! He has strategically set me on this course and its starting to make sense! Ministry/music degree at Manhattan Christian College, traveling and training with Youth With A Mission’s School of Worship, a broken heart after losing my mother, praying and playing with TheCause USA, and one year with Zadok House of Prayer. Its been like a long degree in worship, suffering, leadership, and maturity without the piece of official paper! 

My favorite part has been Him, if I have any message after all of this it is GO AFTER GOD! Dive into intimacy and relationship with your Creator and you will never go wrong!  Of course there are more adventures to come and Africa is still on my grid, so stay tuned… 

This past season has been one of waiting, trusting, and being faithful no matter what! The verse that has kept me during this dry time is “Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will act.” This is just one verse in Psalm 37 I have been leaning on. In the midst of this time I wrote this song and wanted to share it with you, let me know what you think…

I believe

All of my days, I put my trust in what I could not see

All of my life, I believed, I believed

I’m gonna put my hope in you, 

I’m gonna put my trust in you,

and wait here, I’ll just wait here

I believe in what I can not see

I believe, I believe

I believe in what I can not see

I believe, my eyes wide open


So here I am, set in the House of Prayer; as a “modern day monk” or “priest” for a more biblical term! Check it out for yourself: come to IHOP KC or watch it live on the internet I will hopefully be there sometime before Nov 1st. Can you help? As a missionary, I live a lifestyle of faith; trusting that the Lord will provide for me, while actively raising funds for myself and others to continue to be full-time at IHOPKC.  Please prayerfully consider joining me as a monthly funder/prayer partner or giving a one-time donation specifically to my moving needs. I know you will be blessed as you give and you pray. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask…

God Bless and Love,


CONTACT INFO (for now)

MIchelle Volgamore

2038 Durand Rd

Fort Mill, SC 29715
