
Yay I got to sing, and I have pictures. If you wanna watch, I will be subbing again tomorrow (Sunday) at noon.  Its free to watch the webstream 24-7 on!

I also have joined a team that does three sets a week, just not online. Its exciting to be singing more again.

February News!

Well here I go again trying to write newsletters! It more like a creatively organized blog 🙂 If you copy and paste this link into your web browser it will take you there. Let me know what you think!

full circle


Well here I am, finally in Kansas City! I arrived yesterday and got all of my stuff unloaded! Deep sigh of relief and now this side of things begins! So good to be home!! Now a house must be rented, official IHOP staff status gained, and all that entails, and the settling in. All of this takes time and energy, and guess what? I am sick! Big bummer but totally understandable, I have been pushing super hard and my body is paying for it!

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me and supported me! Today I finally got to go to the prayer room, I cried for the first thirty minutes! Its been a long month without one! I was so glad to be where I am supposed to be! And it has been hard work getting there! Its been a full circle WILD GOOSE CHASE and here I am almost right back where I started! Haha… like I said before its a long story I would love to tell anyone with a few minutes! I am in the process of getting officially on staff and auditioning for the worship teams. I am excited and glad to have it all set in stone so I can take a deep breath!

Okay so besides money I need wisdom in order to know which house to rent! It will be at least a six month committment most likely a full year and I am being a little more picky! My friend Genevra and I are renting together and praying for open doors! Thanks for joining us in this knocking business!!

So thats me for now! I will keep you all posted! Email, facebook, call or write!!! Please!



its possible

a woman with her arms and hands wide open… giving and receiving without fear…without doubting…fully alive and aware with a pure heart…releasing the song of the Lord…walking as a daughter with full knowledge of His love… its possible

Blessed Assurance

Great News!!! I am moving to Kansas City!!  To join staff at the International House of Prayer!! This is exciting, keep reading for more info!!


My story, hmmm, you really don’t have time for the whole version right now, I am a story teller so if you have time please give me a call! The short version is God is faithful! He has strategically set me on this course and its starting to make sense! Ministry/music degree at Manhattan Christian College, traveling and training with Youth With A Mission’s School of Worship, a broken heart after losing my mother, praying and playing with TheCause USA, and one year with Zadok House of Prayer. Its been like a long degree in worship, suffering, leadership, and maturity without the piece of official paper! 

My favorite part has been Him, if I have any message after all of this it is GO AFTER GOD! Dive into intimacy and relationship with your Creator and you will never go wrong!  Of course there are more adventures to come and Africa is still on my grid, so stay tuned… 

This past season has been one of waiting, trusting, and being faithful no matter what! The verse that has kept me during this dry time is “Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will act.” This is just one verse in Psalm 37 I have been leaning on. In the midst of this time I wrote this song and wanted to share it with you, let me know what you think…

I believe

All of my days, I put my trust in what I could not see

All of my life, I believed, I believed

I’m gonna put my hope in you, 

I’m gonna put my trust in you,

and wait here, I’ll just wait here

I believe in what I can not see

I believe, I believe

I believe in what I can not see

I believe, my eyes wide open


So here I am, set in the House of Prayer; as a “modern day monk” or “priest” for a more biblical term! Check it out for yourself: come to IHOP KC or watch it live on the internet I will hopefully be there sometime before Nov 1st. Can you help? As a missionary, I live a lifestyle of faith; trusting that the Lord will provide for me, while actively raising funds for myself and others to continue to be full-time at IHOPKC.  Please prayerfully consider joining me as a monthly funder/prayer partner or giving a one-time donation specifically to my moving needs. I know you will be blessed as you give and you pray. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask…

God Bless and Love,


CONTACT INFO (for now)

MIchelle Volgamore

2038 Durand Rd

Fort Mill, SC 29715



What is trust? Why don’t we trust Him? After all of these years, why does my heart still fail to believe He is good and He will take care of me? This is my challenge today and most days. To trust and believe in what I can not see. I sing it, pray it, talk about it, but the real deal is walking it out each day. 

Here I am in Luke 12:22. This is me: Do I really believe this? Do I trust its really true? 
I hear him saying, “Michelle, consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn, and God feeds them. Of how much more VALUE are you than the birds Michelle?” “O you of LITTLE FAITH?” Do you have little faith Michelle? 
Anyways, I didn’t complete many thoughts in this, but this is where I am! Waiting, trusting, hoping, believing, learning, aren’t we all! One foot in front of other, considering the ravens, the lilies, the grass of the field; considering my value compared to these! Thats me!

the word is man

Right now i can not read the bible without this man jumping off the page! He is adamant that he is the word and that the word is not just black and red words on a page, but its him. A relationship,  a friendship, a walk, a sweet kiss on the cheek, my favorite meal, sitting next to each other excited but silent! Thats what it is like with reading the bible for me right now. I have been meditating on Psalm 119, just doing one section at a time. In it the words for “the word” are things like judgments, testimonies, commandments, statutes, and so on. So I decided to give him a chance and I wrote the scripture out in my journal and then over each of these words I wrote Jesus. So where there was the word statutes I wrote over it Jesus. (Does this make sense). Now try reading the bible without seeing Jesus jump off the page every other line!! Ahhhh… its crazy!! 

So it goes something like this:
“Blessed are You, O Lord! Teach me JESUS. With my lips I have declared all the JESUS of your mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of JESUS. As much as in all riches. I will meditate on JESUS. And contemplate JESUS. I will delight myself in JESUS. I will not forget JESUS.” (Ps 119: 12-16)
I totally did not come up with this on my own but I love it. Its exactly how he speaks to me. The word is a man for real! He became flesh and dwelled among us and is STILL alive and STILL available!! He is so close to me. Part of this whole thing came from me simply making a commitment when I got a new bible. I said something like this looking straight at my bible, holding it tightly with both of my hands!  “You and I are going to be really good friends, from cover to cover!” I had no idea that it was going to be much more than reading! 



I got to sing in a different way tonight and it really lit up my heart! We sing prayers on our intercession sets, if you have ever been to a house of prayer this is very unique. Usually I am just one of the singers on the set and get to sing really short lines and join with the chorus that is created by the “chorus leader!” Tonight I was the chorus leader and wow it was so different! It made my heart come alive as we were praying for the ending of abortion! 

In Chronicles it records that King David hired thousands of singers and musicians for his tabernacle where the Ark was housed before Solomon built the temple. One of the singers he hired was the “chief” singer, the main voice in the tent in the midst of the other voices. I have been intrigued by this guy Heman, isn’t that a great name! He was like a trumpet for God proclaiming, decreeing, praising God!!   
So I guess I was Heman tonight, not trying to brag but it was so good to take the spoken prayers, the written word and my own heart to lead others to PRAY/SING! It was so good! I loved it! (deep sigh!) 


“And WHEN they began to sing and praise, the LORD set an ambush against the men of…” (2Chr. 20:22)!! When they began to praise, sing, give thanks, to declare “Give thanks to the Lord, for his steadfast love endures FOREVER!” When, WHEN, when, WHEN, when, when!!!!! When we begin, when we decide to praise, make a choice, get up, get movin!! When we praise He responds. He reacts, and sets ambush against our enemies!! Its a powerful interaction, I just tried it, thanking him, inviting him to come and make sense of my heart. 

Instead of praise I will try to figure it out, or I will climb up on my emotional wall and look down and get scared! FREAK OUT!! (wasn’t that a song?) Anyways, the power of praise, telling my soul, L-E-T-S-G-O, let’s go, let’s go.. lets praise God!! Let the worshippers go first, see what happens!! 
What does this change in me, well it shows that what I really need lives on the inside of me! Christ in me, He dwells within me and all I have to do is acknowledge him, and thank him and my peace changes… i can really trust that he’s got me and its gonna be okay! It sounds cheesy but what it looks like in my life is being real and telling God my hurts, my fears, my joys, my challenges, walking hand and hand with him even when i don’t like him or don’t understand whats going on. He takes first place, best friend status for sure!! I feel like he is doing a really deep work in my heart and praise is like a way to speed up the process and not get mad when it hurts. Just to remind my heart who He is and why He is good!! 
Here is a new line to one of my songs I think will become a song! 
“Mystery talker come and speak to me, untold stories and things unseen!” Thats a fun one, anyways have a great day… TBC…