
I got to sing in a different way tonight and it really lit up my heart! We sing prayers on our intercession sets, if you have ever been to a house of prayer this is very unique. Usually I am just one of the singers on the set and get to sing really short lines and join with the chorus that is created by the “chorus leader!” Tonight I was the chorus leader and wow it was so different! It made my heart come alive as we were praying for the ending of abortion! 

In Chronicles it records that King David hired thousands of singers and musicians for his tabernacle where the Ark was housed before Solomon built the temple. One of the singers he hired was the “chief” singer, the main voice in the tent in the midst of the other voices. I have been intrigued by this guy Heman, isn’t that a great name! He was like a trumpet for God proclaiming, decreeing, praising God!!   
So I guess I was Heman tonight, not trying to brag but it was so good to take the spoken prayers, the written word and my own heart to lead others to PRAY/SING! It was so good! I loved it! (deep sigh!) 

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