winds of change

Today felt like a good day to write! I have decided that it would be silly to try and catch you up all at once so here is what I have today.

I am around 24 weeks pregnant and married to the love of my life! I am living my dream and enjoying every moment. Trying to savor it and drink it in slowly. We have Cinnamon Toast Crunch in our kitchen and a kiddy pool in the back yard. I have a home of my very own (well our very own) for the first time since I was 17 and even then it was my mom’s house. But wow does it feel nice that I can unpack, decorate, and dream in this place with my man!

I recently stepped down from my position with the house of prayer and have stepped into a full time position as wife and mom. Since before I can remember this has been my one wish, my one hope! To be a wife and a mom! I remember once in college a friend asked me what I wanted for my life and that was my simple and quick answer. I can still see the shock on his face! Of course I wanted to do many other things and I got to do them all really, but my deepest desires took much longer to come to fruition. Some of it was life and some of it was my choices and some of it was waiting on the Mystery Talker himself and trying to weakly believe that it could happen. And here I am.

I feel like a lot of amazing things are ahead of Stephen and I. I feel like we are holding hands facing a sunset with sand in our toes and the wind in our hair.  I am happy and excited to see what this road holds. Many people in my life have watched me go through so many things and prayed for this day. I believe more now than ever in the power of prayer and the benefits of believing! I am a life that has been changed and for that I could not be more grateful, thankful, and completely undone! What a mighty God we serve!?!

Love,  Michelle

cd project
Its hard to believe that this time last year I was going through my final procedure for my “new teeth!” And now here I am making my CD! God is so good to me! Honestly this project has been in the works since 2007 or at least stirring in my heart since then. Right now I only need around $2000 to cover the cost of duplication, cd cover work, and paying my amazing musicians. Seriously a small amount to finish it all off! Please pray and consider giving towards this project!

The songs on this CD were birthed from a place of God setting my feet on a rock after a very trialing time after my mom passed away. He convinced by heart that singing would be the healing process that my heart needed. I believed that idea and here we are. I will never regret singing through the pain and the grief! And now my dreams are coming true! 
Thank you for praying!

trust and obey

“Be the change you want to see”
I love this quote and it has haunted me recently. The past few months the Lord has impressed me with a deeper desire to obey. Often we can’t find peace in our hearts because there are things that we haven’t taken care of. Its has been in my relationships, in my administration roles, and being faithful to my schedule. As I have adjusted these little things to “be where I am supposed to be, and do what I am supposed to do” my peace level has skyrocketed!
Obeying is abiding
Honestly I wasn’t walking in major disobedience, I just started listening more to the Holy Spirit and to my heart. Real change comes when we walk in the Fear of the Lord. Which simply is friendship with God! What would happen if you were okay? If you allowed yourself to be great and happy? Part of that process is listening. Part of that process is the simple act of Trust and Obey! 
“Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to Trust and Obey!”
Have a great Saturday! 

and let the CD begin!!!

Leading at Hope City

I can not count how many times I have been asked if I have CD. I used to just blow it off and blame God for the lack of one saying, “When God tells me too, then I will make it.” Until now! I feel like God has given me a GREEN LIGHT for my dreams and I am ready to jump and see this dream come true. 
I started singing ever since I could hold a microphone.  I remember my mom putting me on the edge of the stage at church with a hymnal in my hand while I belted “Our God Reigns” acapella. Last year I believe God and many joined with me for a NEW SMILE and now here I am believing for more! God has been so good to me along this road, I can’t help but think about my mom screaming from heaven, “DO IT!” know that God has not only given me a beautiful voice but a message. A message that has caused me personally to rise up from the ash heap and sing until something happens. I am excited and scared all at the same time that something incredible will come out of this.  
The CD is called “UNTOLD STORIES” and will hold many songs written by me including, “Song in my heart,” and “I Believe.”  I have been sitting on some of these songs for a long time and I am excited for you to hear them! Please pray for me and my team as I begin this adventure! Love, Michelle

Interested in giving to this project? Either email me at for my    physical address or click this button:


snow, snow, snow…

This past week has been an incredible chance for my body to heal itself. I began to get sick almost three weeks ago and as of this past Sunday I was preparing to head to the doctor. Instead I got to rest while Kansas City was visited by two large snows! Snowzilla and Snowzilla #2! Or whatever you would like to call it. Two feet of snow later I spent a lot of time resting, reading, and catching up on life!
snow lady and her ladies

 Hope City was cancelled many of these past few days and so I didn’t even have to strain my vocal chords and sing before I was ready. We are hoping tomorrow night we will be back on for our 8:00pm set, but I am very thankful for the much needed break for my body to get back to normal.

I also spent a lot of this past week cooking! Something I haven’t gotten to do in months! I made pumpkin muffins, crock-pot chili, cornbread muffins, good for you brownies, sweet potato/potato soup (soooo good), and I probably put on five pounds but for good reason!

snow soup

I have the ambition to pursue more writing and photography in the near future so I took lots of pictures of the snow and my neighborhood. Some of these pictures were shot through the kitchen window but if I can find an angle I shoot it! Hope you enjoy them!
snow cardinal

Did you get the snow? What have you been doing this past week for fun? Send your pictures and stories or even recipes. I would love to hear from you! Glad to say I have been feeling good and that I got out of my house today. Talk to you soon!
snow visitors
snow lady
snow nights
snow car


Life is a journey! We do not always understand everything along the road of life but I have learned to not take anything for granted. Last year while I was sitting at my favorite coffee shop I felt to start a blog about places I liked in KC. I didn’t think much about it and I didn’t do a very good job at writing on it. But during the year I couldn’t really shake the idea of it. Since then someone stepped forward and offered to host my blog as a real website, businesses have offered to create coupons specifically for us, and I decided that this could be more than what I first thought.
Writing was always just one of my loves, nothing I thought much about. I have journals in every nook and cranny of my house telling the stories of my heart and travels. Now I am beginning to wonder what this is all about. I am embarking on a new adventure, and as always dragging my feet in the process. So now that my site has gone public I thought I would share it with you! Perhaps you could pray with me for the possibilities of what this little site holds or the sites to come or the books to come? I just recently also received the finances to potentially purchase a nice camera that would add to the blog as I go from place to place.
“On the job” research!
So what does this mean? I teach voice, I lead worship, I disciple young adults, I pray, I sing, I administrate ministries, and I write! Oh and I take pictures. I am me and I couldn’t change that even if I tried! All of it expresses my heart with God. All of it is the obedience of a million tiny yesses in my heart. I don’t have to understand it all and I am thankful for the chance to meet people in my city and write about who they are. 
Thanks for reading if you got this far. Take a minute to like our Facebook page and I write you again soon! Blessings, Michelle

find me in the secret place

Welcome to a really good year!  I am excited for how God is calling us to “come away” and go to the secret place with Him. Instead of calculating the loss of going deep in God, decide to take the plunge! In Matthew 6:18, Jesus talks about “our Father,” and tells us where He is, “our Father who is in the secret place.” I love to just say this over and over and remind myself that I always have access to my Father. This year I believe if we would humble ourselves and remove distractions and on purpose shut the door and come away to the secret place; He who sees what is in the secret, and who knows what is in the secret, will meet us! Let’s store up treasure on the inside of us! Let’s go deep in love and see what happens. I have only heaven to gain and I’ve got nothing to lose! 

Last year the Forerunner Media Institute (FMI) which is a part of the International House of Prayer University (IHOPU) sent students to Hope City to video our prayer room. I got the privilege to lead one of those recorded sets. Now that their assignment is finished they have given us these sets on the Hope City/IHOPKC website! It was like a New Year’s present to me! Here is the link, go to Tues, 5/18/2012, 6pm and enjoy!

Falling Awake released!!

My good friend, Genevra Collins, released her new EP, “Falling Awake” this past week!  I had the privilege of singing on this CD and it was a blast!  You will not regret purchasing this CD! Great gift for Christmas for friends and family! 
To get it on iTunes click here!
Or to purchase a hard copy go to

the teeth party!!!

You have got to be kidding me, its been a month!! Well just in case you missed it my teeth are all finished!!! And I will never be the same!

Dr. Sarina!

On Monday, August 20th, all of the final teeth were placed and my new smile complete! Absolute best day of my life, so far!! While I was waiting to go in the lab genius (teeth maker), Joe, came in the door with my new teeth in their little blue boxes! He was excited to see the finished product and came back later for pics!

Then, Dr. Sarina greeted me in the lobby with a party hat and a party clapper, yelling and cheering me on! I needed cheerleaders in my life but who knew what I would get through this amazing teeth experience. She also placed a special party hat on my head and we were off! Dawn, her dental assistant extrodinair was in the exam room, waiting with her party hat and party favors!

My student dentist Stephanie
(I started this whole process at UMKC
until she told me about Dr. Sarina)

My next surprise came within an hour of the appointment beginning! Around the corner I spied my student dentist from UMKC, Stefanie! The whole story began with her just a year ago! She is also the reason I met Dr. Sarina and wow will I ever be thankful to her for that! I am one very blessed woman! Stefanie even drove all the way from Nebraska to see the final cementing of my teeth! She graduated in May, getting married in Sept, and off to be a dentist in Arizona where her husband is a doctor! Whew busy girl, I was so excited to see her again!

my new teeth!

So one by one each of the teeth/pieces were cemented down to the final implants on the top right side. This included celebration after each one! 13 units total. Two crowns on the bottom left, one full bridge on the top left, one veneer on the top left, then on to the right side. Two crowns on the bottom right, one crown on the top right, one veneer on the top right, two lovely implants on the top right! Dr. Sarina and her assistant were still wearing their party hats as they worked and kept bumping each other. It was so much fun, full of giggles, excitement, and love! I am so blessed and overwhelmed by the amazing experience I had!

I am forever changed by this experience and very thankful for each person who prayed, gave, and cheered me on! If you see me ask me to show off these pearly whites! In less than a year God gave me one of my biggest dreams come true!! God is so good! Love Michelle

Go check her out now!!

Old and New

My final appointment! Aug 20th!!

It’s finally here! The final appointment! I am so excited to have all of the dental work finished. The lab needed more time than we initially thought so Monday, August 20th at 2pm I will get all of my permanent teeth placed. Here is a picture of what the tooth looks like underneath the crowns. I call it a “stub,” but I believe the dentist just it “prepping the tooth! I have lots of those covered with “temporary” teeth right now. So on August 20th they will take off all the temporary caps/teeth and place on the permanents!
 Look closely and you can see the “stub” on the left
Thank you to everyone who gave to my teeth! As you can see I raised all of my money and I am so incredibly thankful! Last year God told me to step down from singing in the Global Prayer Room at IHOPKC to “get my teeth fixed.”  I continued to sing at Hope City when I wasn’t busy healing from a procedure. And now on August 20th it will be a year since I stepped out in faith! And thanks to so many and their generosity I am completely debt free! This is such a deep relief and joy to my heart and my dream is coming true! Now all I want to do is sing! Well after my mouth heals that is! 

Love you all! 
P.S. It will be one bridge, two veneers, two implants, and five crowns total! What a year!