Thursday, May 3rd is the big day for my surgery!
Before 🙂 |
Two implants, one bridge, 5 crowns, some veneers, a gum reduction (ouch) and some stitches! Whew I am overwhelmed with excitement about the prospect of having this restoration done and with fear of all that it includes. For over ten years now I have been missing one or five teeth plus. This is a completely new adventure for me. Teeth.
This one is harder for me though. But I am asking for help. I am a singer by trade and by calling. I need teeth to minister and walk out my assignment as a missionary! I am a communicator! I talk, I sing, I talk, I pray, I preach, I teach, I sing, and I talk some more. My mouth is in constant motion and for years it has been in constant pain! This past fall I began pursuing dental restoration. Now it is days away and I am going for it! My dentist, Dr. Sarina Harman-Tinnel is awesome and has taken a serious pay cut to see my miracle happen!
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Dr. Sarina and Assistant Dawn |
Opportunity to give:
I still need $4000 dollars by June 1st to see this process complete. Would you prayerfully consider giving towards my teeth and being a part of my miracle? Click here to give securely through Paypal.
Let’s link arms and see something wonderful happen! Thank you

Here is the rest of my story…
I was born without two of my permanent adult teeth. They never grew in and so my other teeth shifted in order to fill in the extra space leaving more space between my existing teeth than usual. Due to that space and lack of knowledge of the importance of flossing food got caught up in between my teeth and caused my teeth to rot (i know gross right). Growing up we went to the dentist and the idea of braces for me was tossed around but finances were never available for it.
One of my baby teeth stayed in its spot until I was 21 and when it fell out just before my college vocal final; I was devastated. My health insurance did not cover cosmetic dentistry or implants so I left it that way, not really knowing what to do. I entered head first into overseas missions often neglecting my own health issues. Over the past 6 years I have gone through a process of getting debt free and pursuing health while being a full-time missionary. This September 2012 will be 10 years of being a missionary and God has faithfully provided for me year after year! I am blown away with the places I have traveled and the provision I have witnessed! Excited to see how He has written this story. May 3rd is another chapter!